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Hand-painted by none other.

We went out late last night,
The cool breeze--between two oak trees:
The dark place between the sky and your thighs,

The damp ravine,
In the Night, where it goes
between two trees
Last Weekend, some friends and I set up an art show in a school lounge we are hoping to turn into a "senior lounge." Draye and I conceived the idea and I served to keep everyone motivated.

Keenan made some lovely artwork for the show, but he also made some lovely photos of the show which can be seen on his blog here

I will be making crafts for Christmas this year. If you want one I will give you one. It could be a small art book, a postcard, a recording of christmas music...

I spent so much time on Saturday looking for an album by them. I went to three separate music shops and none had it. Everyday music was the only place that even had a place for them.

I can't stop it

Just got 'em
Something about doing art at school is very hard for me. More than just a lack of time, its hard for me to escape all the things swirling and pounding in my head, and just make something. Its so easy for me at night, when there is nothing else i could do, when my girlfriend is so far away that i have to distract myself, to make art. So I'll go do that now, but until its done, there is a couple things I have made at school that i liked. These two drawings go together, and I made them at school.

Recently I have been bogged down by school and 
what not.. Usually, on weekends or late at night I try to make some drawings or paintings, 
but that has been taken off the back burner, thrown down the drain, thrust through some pipes, into a sewage system, and onto the head of some fish. Every sunday though, I pretend to make ceramics. Occasionally I make something pretty.

my new fave colour


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